Terms of use
We are “Lawatech”, [“us, “We”], a company limited and registered in Spain, having a registered address at Vigo, Spain. We offer a database of legal experts in Spain, Austria, and the Republic of Ireland. Further, our experts offer certain templates to our users. By accessing our Website you acknowledge and accept the following Terms. If you disagree, We kindly ask you leave this Website immediately. Please take time to review our Privacy Policy, which are part of these Terms, found below. Note, these Terms are open to amendment, and we reserve the right to alter and or delete these as appropriate and without notice.
1. Access to our Website is conditional:

i. You accept that it may contain links to other third-party websites that We have no control over regarding the contents on, and or access to, these sites;
ii. You accept access may be withdrawn at any time without reason;
iii. You accept that We are not responsible for the security of data provided or transmitted to our Website;
iv. You accept access to our Website may be restricted and or be unavailable; and
v. You accept the Terms herein in full.
2. Any
3. Please note that you take full responsibility for your participation with our Website and or any legal expert(s). You may be asked to register and/or select a Username and password before creating your own account. If requested to do so, all registration information you submit to create an account must be accurate and kept up to date. We reserve the right to refuse registration of, or cancel, a Username, in our sole discretion. It is your responsibility to notify us of any changes in such information, including but not limited to your contact information. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for all use of any account. Any account set up is not transferable. You agree to notify us immediately if you suspect any unauthorised use of, or access to, your account or password.
4. You acknowledge and agree that when order any template(s), payments may be processed by third party providers. We are not responsible for any handling fee charged by any third-party provider(s). You agree to hold us harmless for any loss incurred through any third-party processed transactions and or any information shared.
Suspension / Termination
5. We reserve the right to suspend access to our database(s) of experts where a Customer is abusive; infringes our intellectual property rights; engages in threatening, abusive, or insulting behaviour; provides fraudulent information; or repeatedly violates these Terms.
6. You acknowledge and agree that We may modify, suspend, or discontinue access to our Website, if it is reasonably necessary for us to carry out any maintenance, update, or business operations; and/or to modify, limit, suspend or terminate your account if you breach any of our Terms.
7. You may cancel your account by providing notice to us via email.
Intellectual Property
8. Except as provided or as explicitly allowed by us, you may not copy, mirror, download, stream, capture, reproduce, duplicate, archive, upload, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, retransmit, distribute, perform, display, sell, frame or link, make available, or otherwise use any of our expert details and or any content without our express permission.  
9. You acknowledge and accept that all intellectual property rights (‘IPR’) vested in the content of our Website, database listings, and templates including but not limited to our platform, logos, booklets, brand name, text, images, and overall look belong to us (or our expert affiliates). Nothing herein extends any form of IPR, licence, or permission to copy, publish, manipulate, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use in any format, said content without express written permission. With the exception and as applicable, the right to use template(s) when purchased.
10. While We aim to ensure accuracy, any material within our Website exists without any guarantee or warranty that it is accurate and or without fault. You hereby explicitly acknowledge and agree that We cannot guarantee any such accuracy and you agree our Website is for general information purposes only. We are not responsible for any communication between you and a third party listed legal expert, nor the advices given by them, their services provided, or any other matters.
11. You agree that We shall not be liable for any reliance, implied conditions, warranties, or terms and or be liable for any damages for direct, indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages or loss arising out of or related to the reliance on or use of our Website, and or ordered templates, irrespective of foreseeability. Further, you acknowledge and accept We disclaim liability for information provided to us by you.
12. You hereby waive any claim arising out of your use/purchase of our Website / templates. You agree to hold us harmless for any injury, damage, harm, or loss caused by using our Website and services, or any viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infiltrate your computer programs, data, computer equipment, or other proprietary material due to your use of our Website. You agree to indemnify and hold us, our affiliates, and other partners, harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including, but not limited to any legal fees due to or arising out of or in connection with your usage / interaction with our Website/ services.
13. You explicitly acknowledge that our information is not intended to replace legal advice/guidance.
Other Terms
14. These Terms, and the relationship between us and our Customers, shall be governed by the laws of Spain and each party agrees that all disputes arising out of or in connection with shall be exclusively governed by and determined in accordance with the laws of Spain.
15. If any portion of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect. Any amendment to or waiver of these Terms must be made in writing and signed by us.
16. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at info.lawatech@gmail.com.
17. We, in our discretion, may offer users the option to sign up for a Newsletter. We reserve the right not to provide/supply/produce any or all newsletter(s). By subscribing to our Newsletter, you agree to receive emails from us, to keep you updated about items that might be interesting for you in relation to the services we provide. Subscribing to our Newsletter is not mandatory. By subscribing to our Newsletter, you agree to the following conditions:

a) The Newsletter subscription service is provided free of charge to those who give their voluntary consent.
b) You can activate Newsletter subscription on the Website link. The Newsletter service requires a device with an Internet connection, an installed and updated Internet browser and an active e-mail address.
c) To subscribe, you must provide an e-mail address, accept the content of these Terms, and sign up with the subscribe option.
d) You activate the Newsletter through a link included in an e-mail sent in response to subscription.
e) This concludes an agreement for provision of the Newsletter service for an unlimited period of time.
f) You shall retain the right to terminate the agreement for the provision of the Newsletter service with immediate effect by deactivating the subscription.
g) We reserve the right to either modify or discontinue the Newsletter, at any time, with or without prior notice. We are not liable to you, or any third party should we exercise such right.
h) We reserve the sole right to unsubscribe Users from the Newsletter service without prior notice.
i) Users agree we may promote/advertise their products and services in our Newsletter, without permission and at our sole discretion.
j) Privacy policy: We are the processor of personal data provided by the users and processes data for the purpose of providing the Newsletter service only. Such data may be transferred to a third-party provider of services to us. The terms and conditions that regulate processing of personal data are prescribed by the Privacy Policy hereunder, which is an integral part of these Terms.